David Rockefeller Fellows

George Bogden
Law Clerk, Chambers of Judge Stephen Alexander Vaden, United States Court of International Trade
Matteo Villa
Research Fellow, the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), Milan
Levent Tuzun
Principal Economist at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Turkey
Ludovic Subran
Head of Macroeconomic Research, Allianz and Euler Hermes, Paris
Zita Schellekens
Social entrepreneur, key note speaker and advisor on purpose & impact leadership, Amsterdam
Jacobo Roa-Vicens
Machine Learning Centre of Excellence, JPMorgan Chase & Co.; Centre for Computational Statistics and Machine Learning, University College London
Dita Prikrylova
Social Entrepreneur, Director and Founder, Czechitas; Member of Advisory board, Cesko.Digital and Social Impact Award International, Czech Republic
Christian Nordholtz
Lawyer and equity partner, KPMG Law; Shareholder, KPMG AG, Hanover
Annahita Nikpour
Advisor to the Secretary General, Oxfam IBIS, Denmark
Silvia Merler
Head of Research – Algebris Policy & Research Forum, Italy