Global Member

Igor Yurgens
Chairman of the Management Board of the Institute of Contemporary Development (INSOR), Moscow

Fouad Makhzoumi
Chairman of Future Group; Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Future Pipe Industries, Lebanon

Mmusi Maimane
Founder, One South Africa (OSA) Movement; former Leader of “Democratic Alliance” political party, South Africa

Maryam Khansari
General Manager, Herison Construction Company and International Relations Manager, Iran Association of Construction Companies

Sergei Guriev
Professor of Economics and Director of Graduate Programs in Economics, Sciences Po Paris, Russia

Jacob A. Frenkel
Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Group of Thirty (G30); Chairman, the Frenkel-Zuckerman Institute for Global Economics; former Chairman of JPMorgan Chase International; former Governor of the Bank of Israel; former Chief Economist and Director of Research, IMF