
Jean-Claude Trichet
Chairman, Group of Thirty; Chairman, Bruegel, Brussels; Honorary Governor, Banque de France; former President of the European Central Bank; former European Chairman, Trilateral Commission, Paris

György Surányi
Professor of Finance, Corvinus University, Budapest; former Regional Head of Central Eastern Europe, Intesa Sanpaolo Group; former Chairman, Central European International Bank (CIB); former President of the National Bank of Hungary

Ivan Šramko
Chairman of Council for Budget Responsibility; former Governor of the National Bank of Slovakia, Bratislava

Kristin Skogen Lund
Chief Executive Officer, Schibsted Media Group; former Director General, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), Oslo

Borja Prado
Co-Founder of Peninsula Capital, Madrid, London; Director of the Board of Mediaset España, Madrid

Ursula Plassnik
Diplomat and former Austrian Federal Minister for European and International Affairs; former Member of the Austrian Parliament, Vienna