
Angelos Gregoriades
Non-Executive Board Member of the Central Bank of Cyprus; Honorary Consul of Slovakia in Cyprus; Business Consultant and former Chairman of KPMG in Cyprus, Nicosia

Michael Fuchs
former Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin; former Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group; former President, National Federation of German Wholesale & Foreign Trade

Enrico Cucchiani
former Group Chief Executive Officer, Intesa Sanpaolo, Milan; Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer, TGI (Think Global Investments), London

Richard Conroy
Chairman, Conroy Gold and Natural Resources, Dublin; Member of Senate, Republic of Ireland

François Bujon de l'Estang
Ambassadeur de France; Chairman, FBE International Consultants, Paris; former Chairman, Citi France; former Ambassador to the United States