
Ilkka Salonen
Chairman, East Office of Finnish Industries, Helsinki
Pietro Salini
Chief Executive Officer, Salini Impregilo, Milan
Jean-Pierre Roth
Member of the Board of Directors of MKS (Switzerland); former Chairman of the Swiss National Bank, Geneva
Lars Rohde
Governor by Royal Appointment, Chairman of the Board of Governors, National Bank of Denmark, Copenhagen
Gianfelice Rocca
Chairman, Techint Group of Companies, Milan
Jon Riberas
Chairman and CEO, Gonvarri Steel Industries, Madrid
Monika Ribar
Chairwoman, Swiss Federal Railways (SBB), Zurich
Olli Rehn
Governor, Bank of Finland, Helsinki; former European Commissioner
Maria Rankka
Executive Vice President, Business Development Takura, Stockholm
Rasvan Radu
Chief Executive Officer, UniCredit Tiriac Bank, Bucharest