
Kurt Lauk
former Member of the European Parliament (EPP Group-CDU); Chairman, Globe Capital Partners, Stuttgart; President, Economic Council of the CDU Party, Berlin; former Member of the Board, DaimlerChrysler, Stuttgart
Joachim Lang
Director General, BDI (Federation of German Industries), Berlin
Alexander Lambsdorff
Member of the German Bundestag and Deputy Chairman of the FDP Parliamentary Group, Berlin; former Member of the European Parliament
Francisco de Lacerda
Chairman Banco CTT, Lisbon; NED Endesa, Madrid; Former CEO, CTT (Portugal Post), Lisbon
Idar Kreutzer
Chief Executive Officer, Finance Norway, Oslo
Jerzy Kozminski
President and Chief Executive Officer, Polish-American Freedom Foundation; former Ambassador to the United States; former First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Warsaw
Gabor Kovács
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bankar Holding; Founder, KOGART (Kovács Gábor Art Foundation), Budapest
Árpád Kovács
Chairman, Fiscal Council of Hungary; Professor, Szeged University; former President, State Audit Office of Hungary, Budapest
Jovan Kovačić
President, East West Bridge; Chief Executive Officer, GCA Global Communications Associates Ltd; CEO of Henderson Asset Protection, Serbia; former Advisor to the Serbian Government, Belgrade
Klaas Knot
President, Dutch Central Bank, Amsterdam