
Vittorio Grilli
Chairman of Italy and Chairman of the Corporate & Investment Bank, EMEA at J.P. Morgan, London; former Minister of Finance of Italy
Angelos Gregoriades
Non-Executive Board Member of the Central Bank of Cyprus; Honorary Consul of Slovakia in Cyprus; Business Consultant and former Chairman of KPMG in Cyprus, Nicosia
Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram
Advocate, Head of the Public Interest Strategic Litigation and Social Responsibility of Lawyers Program, Clifford Chance, Warsaw
Sinead Gorman
Executive Vice President Finance Integrated Gas & New Energies, Shell International Exploration and Production, The Hague
Elena Goitini
Chief Executive Officer, BNL-BNP Paribas Group, Rome
Brian Gilvary
non-Executive Director, Barclays plc and Air Liquide, London
Nicoletta Giadrossi
Chairman, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane (Italian State Railways), Rome
Ignacio Garralda
Chairman, Mutua Madrileña, Madrid
Cristina Garmendia
Chair, SILO; Chair, Cotec Foundation, Madrid; SYGNIS (Spain-Germany); former Spanish Minister of Science and Innovation, Madrid
Michael Fuchs
former Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin; former Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group; former President, National Federation of German Wholesale & Foreign Trade