
Zongze Ruan
Executive Vice President, China Institute of International Studies, Beijing
Chandrajit Banerjee
Director General, Confederation of Indian Industry, New Delhi
Philip Ng
Chief Executive Officer, Far East Organization, Singapore
Naoki Tanaka
President, Center for International Public Policy Studies, Tokyo
Sook Jong Lee
Professor, Graduate School of Governance, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul
Lawrence Lau
Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics; former Vice-Chancellor and President, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Koichi Kawana
President, Lublyst Inc.; Non-executive Director, BANDAI NAMCO Holdings, Inc., Comsys Holdings, Tokyo Electron Device Limited and ispace inc., Tokyo
Keiko Tashiro
Deputy President and Member of the Board, Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd., Tokyo
Ku-Hyun Jung
Chief Research Officer, J Campus; former Professor Emeritus, Yonsei University; former President, Samsung Economic Research Institute; former President, The Seoul Forum for International Affairs, Seoul
Jamshyd Godrej
Chairman and Managing Director, Godrej and Boyce Manufacturing Co. Ltd., New Delhi