
Ginni Rometty
Retired IBM Executive Chairman, New York
John Risley
Chairman & CEO, CFFI Ventures Inc, Bedford
David Petraeus
KKR and Chairman, The KKR Global Institute; former Director of the CIA and Commander of the Surge in Iraq, US Central Command, and Coalition Forces in Afghanistan
Eric Pelletier
Vice President and Head of International Government Affairs at Alibaba; former Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs
Michael Olshan
Managing Partner, O-Corp Investments, New York
Benjamin Nye
Chief Executive Officer, Turbonomic, Boston; former Executive Secretary and Senior Advisor, Department of Treasury
Joseph S. Nye Jr.
University Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus and former Dean, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge; former Chair, National Intelligence Council; former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs; former North American Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Michelle Nunn
President and CEO, CARE USA, Atlanta
John D. Negroponte
Vice Chairman, McLarty Associates, Washington; former Deputy Secretary of State; first Director of National Intelligence; former Ambassador to the United Nations, Honduras, Mexico, the Philippines and Iraq
Michael Mullen
President of MGM Consulting; 17th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff