
Thomas E. Donilon
Chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute
Takeshi Niinami
President and Chief Executive Officer, Suntory Holdings Limited
The Honourable Yuen Pau Woo
Member, Senate of Canada
Pedro Castro e Almeida
Executive Chairman, Santander, Portugal
João Castello Branco
CEO, Semapa, Lisbon
Masahisa Ikeda
Head of Tokyo Office and Global Co-Head of Sector Strategy, A&O Shearman
Matteo Del Fante
Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Poste Italiane, Rome
Donald J. Gogel
Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, LLC
Kuniharu Nakamura
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Sumitomo Corporation, Tokyo
Luc Tayart de Borms
former Managing Director, King Baudouin Foundation, Brussels