2022 Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting
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2022 Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting
The Asia Pacific Group held its annual regional meeting in Tokyo on November 19-20, 2022.
November 19, 2022 – November 20, 2022

The Asia Pacific Group held its annual regional meeting in Tokyo on November 19-20, 2022. It was the first in-person regional meeting since Seoul in 2019. US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel spoke in the opening session and held a Q&A with participants, while Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Yoshimasa Hayashi also gave a speech and held discussions with the participants. Sessions covered topics such as the current political, security, economic, and social situations of countries in Asia Pacific; the normalization of fiscal and monetary policies in the post-COVID era and its impact on emerging economies; new geo-economic conditions and supply chains; emerging regional frameworks; and the impact of new technologies on people’s lives and on policy.