Akira Kojima
Akira Kojima

Akira Kojima is Senior Fellow of the Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER) which is an independent public policy research institute established in 1963. He is also a Member of Board of Trustees and Visiting Professor at National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) and Ritsumeikan University (Kyoto). After graduating from Waseda University he entered the NIKKEI, Inc. in 1965 and studied at the Graduate School of Manchester University as a British Council Scholar in 1969–70. He became Editorial Writer and Editor in 1982, Deputy Chief Editorial Writer in 1994, Director and Chief Editorialist in 1997, Senior Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief in 2003 and from 2004 to 2008, Chairman of Japan Economic Research Center (JCER), since 2010 Senior Fellow of JCER and editor of policy oriented journal, Asian Economic Policy Review (AEPR). He is also trustee of Japan Productivity Center, Chairman of World Trade Center Tokyo. Mr. Kojima is the author of numerous books and essays including Japanese Economy Where to from Here (Nihon Keizai wa Dokoeikunoka, 2014), A New Development Model for Japan-Selected Essays 2000-2008 (2009), Nihon no Sentaku (Choices for Japan, in Japanese, 2007. Chinese language edition was published in China, 2010), Reporting on the Global Economy (2000), U.S.-Japan Relationship in the 21st Century: The Changing Context of U.S.-Japan relations (21seiki no Nichibei Kankei, 1998). He has received the Japan Newspaper Publishers Association Award, Vaughn-Ueda Award, and Japan Press Club Award.