Aleksandra Drecun
Aleksandra Drecun

Aleksandra Drecun, JD, MPA, Director of Intersection – Center for Science and Innovation, Belgrade, and the President of Harvard Club of Serbia. Drecun is the member of two EC DG Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 Program Committees: PC “Strategic Configuration with Science and Society” and PC for Societal Challenge 6 – “Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies”, member of the EC COST Gender STE Management Committee and the Helsinki Group (advisory body to the European Commission on Gender and Science). She is the regional and/or country leader of several EU funded projects from FP7, Comenius, Erasmus+, Creative Europe and Horizon 2020 programs and regional SEE Hub coordinator for the EC flagship project “Responsible Research and Innovation Toolkit”. Aleksandra served as the Director of the Center for the Promotion of Science, Serbian national public body (2010 to 2015) and held several key expert positions in the Government of Serbia and European Union bodies. She was the member of the Science in Society Program Committee, FP7 Capacities Program at the DG R&D (2010-2013), member of the Stability Pact Anti-Corruption Initiative (2001-2004) and Council of Europe anti-corruption expert at GRECO – Group of States Against Corruption (2002-2004). Drecun was the Secretary General to the President of Serbia (2004-2006), the Special Advisor at the Government of Serbia for the National Investment Plan (2007/2008) and the Secretary General of the Ministry for Finance and Economy at the Government of Serbia (2001-2004). Aleksandra is the Co-Chair of the Woman’s Government of Serbia, an NGO that promotes women expert potential. She graduated at Belgrade University Law School (J.D.) and holds Master’s degree (MPA) from Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government.