Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer
Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer

Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer is the director of research and director of the Paris office of the transatlantic Think Tank German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). GMF is a key player in strengthening transatlantic dialogue on global issues, through policy analysis, leadership programs and by acting as a key forum for policymakers, business leaders, academics and experts. She created GMF’s Business Alliance, allowing companies to become members of GMF and benefit from its expertise on both sides of the Atlantic. She also leads GMF’s Transatlantic Security program and her areas of expertise include U.S. foreign policy, transatlantic relations, European affairs, and international relations. Before joining GMF, Dr. de Hoop Scheffer has held several positions in the French government and academia and advised international organizations. She served as a special advisor for U.S. foreign policy and transatlantic relations on the Policy Planning Staff of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2009–11). From 2006 to 2009, she served as a consultant to the French Ministry of Defense and contributed to high-level working groups on U.S. defense policy and the future of conflicts. In 2006, she worked for the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (Best Practices Unit), where she contributed to high-level working groups on public administration reform in post-conflict societies. Dr. de Hoop Scheffer is as an associate professor at Sciences Po Paris, member of the advisory board of the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS) and member of the editorial board of the Washington Quartely journal. She holds a PhD in political science from Sciences Po Paris and is a graduate of Kings College London. She is the author of the book Hamlet en Irak(CNRS éditions, 2007) and regularly publishes articles and op-eds in European and U.S. newspapers and journals.