Brian Gilvary
Brian Gilvary

Brian Gilvary is an experienced C suite executive having served on the Board of BP plc as Chief Financial Officer from 2012- 2020. Brian’s BP career spanned the Upstream, Downstream and Trading based in the UK, USA and Europe. Prior to CFO, he held several senior financial and commercial roles, including member of the Board of TNK-BP (a BP Russian JV), Chief Executive of BP’s commodity trading division and Commercial Director of the downstream division. He has acted as BP’s principal negotiator on a series of large transactions and complex legal matters. Brian is currently a non-executive director of Air Liquide S.A, Barclays plc, the Royal Navy and the Francis Crick Institute; a Trustee of the Royal Navy Royal Marines Charity and a member of the Development Advisory Board of the social mobility charity upReach. Brian served as Chairman of the FTSE100 Group of Finance Directors from 2018-20, was a member of the UK Treasury Financial Management Review Board from 2014 to 2017 and served on various HRH Prince of Wales’ Business in the Community Leadership Teams from 2007 to 2009. He is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Tallow Chandlers and was made a Freeman of the City of London in 2017. Brian holds a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Manchester where he is an Honorary visiting Professor, and an Honorary Doctor of Science from the University of Sheffield. He is also a Fellow of the Energy Institute. Brian is also an international triathlete and has represented Great Britain at the last 5 Age Group World Championships (2015-19).