Carlo Messina
Carlo Messina

Carlo Messina has been Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Intesa Sanpaolo since 29 September 2013, Head of the Retail Division since May 2013, in Milan. A graduate of Economics and Business from the Luiss University of Roma, he began his professional career in the Finance department of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro in 1987, rising to the position of Manager in charge of Corporate Finance in 1990. While developing his professional career, he carried out intense academic activities as Professor of Economics of Financial Intermediaries at the Business Administration Master of the Luiss School of Management and Professor of Corporate Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Business of Ancona. In 1995, he joined Banco Ambrosiano Veneto as Manager in charge of the Planning Department. He held important positions through the different integration stages: Head of Planning and Research and Head of the Control Department within Intesa BCI; Head of the Planning and Control department and Head of the Risk Management Department within Banca Intesa; Head of the Value Creation Governance until June 2008, Chief Financial Officer and a General Manager until May 2013, General Manager Deputy to the CEO and responsible for the Chief Financial Officer Governance Area from May to September 2013 within Intesa Sanpaolo. He is currently a member of the ABI’s Executive Committee (Italian Bankers’ Association) and, since November 2014, member of the Bocconi University Board.