Eric Pelletier
Eric Pelletier

Eric Pelletier has served in key leadership positions at the highest executive levels of the US Congress, the White House and the private sector. A recognized expert in strategic policy advocacy around the globe and an experienced problem solver, he has been a trusted advisor to the President, Cabinet Secretaries, Speakers of the House, Senate Leaders, Committee Chairman, Regulators, Members of Congress and senior business executives of global Fortune 50 companies.
In June of 2015, Eric was tapped to be the Vice President and Head of International Government Affairs for Alibaba Group. In this role, Eric leads the team and manages all government and regulatory affairs activity outside of China. Prior to Alibaba, Eric served as the Global Executive Leader for Government Affairs & Policy for GE and GE Capital managing a global team in the US, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. He also served as the Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs and Associate Director of OMB in the White House, and in the US House of Representatives. He serves on several boards and commissions including on the Board of the Economic Club of Washington, DC and lives in Arlington, Virginia with his family.