Ilkka Salonen
Ilkka Salonen

Ilkka Salonen has been Chief Executive Officer of East Office of Finnish Industries in Helsinki since April 2017. Ilkka Salonen has a unique experience in the Russian banking markets starting from 1980s. Most recently he served as the President and CEO of Uralsib Bank during 2012 – 2015. His longest tenure was for International Moscow Bank in 1994 – 2007, where he served in various senior positions, for the last 9 years as the CEO and President of the Board of Management. Subsequently he served as Deputy Chairman of Sberbank, up until end of 2009. In this capacity he also acted in Sberbank’s governance bodies of the Ukrainian and Kazakhstan subsidiaries. Ilkka Salonen serves also as a board member for certain industrial operators in Finland. In January, 2018 he was elected to the Board of Lappeenranta University of Technology. He has a Master of Political Science (Economics) -degree from the University of Helsinki.