John Bruton
John Bruton

John Bruton was European Union Ambassador & Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to the United States from September 2004 until 2009. He was formerly Member of the Irish Parliament since 1969. He served as a Member of the Joint Committee on European Affairs and as Vice President of the European People’s Party.
Mr. Bruton was Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland from 1994 to 1997 and President of the European Union from June to December 1996 when Ireland held the Presidency. He was Leader of Fine Gael from 1990 to 2001. His former government positions include Minister for Finance (1981-82 and 1986-87), Minister for Industry Trade Commerce and Tourism (1983-86), Minister for Industry and Energy (1982-83), and Minister for Public Service (1987). Mr. Bruton was Leader of the House 1982-86. He was a Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (1989-91) and a Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Western European Union (1997-98).
He has a B.A. in Economics and Politics, Kings Inns (Barrister at Law). Mr. Bruton is author of the report of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Europe (Future of the European Union) published in 2002. John Bruton served on the Praesidium of the European Convention on the Future of Europe in 2002-2003.