Jon Riberas
Jon Riberas

Jon Riberas is currently Chairman of Gonvarri Steel Industries in Madrid. He has a degree in Law (1991) and a degree in Economics and Business Administration (1992) from the Pontificial University of Comillas (ICADE E-3). In 1992, he began his professional career in the Business Development area of Grupo Gonvarri, to later assume functions as CEO. In 2005, he took part in Gestamp Renewables (GER) foundation, company that belongs to the renewable energies’ sector with a unique business model, assuming the position of Executive Chairman of GER in 2007. In 2010, he was appointed Executive Chairman of Gonvarri Steel Industries and Co-Chairman of Corporación ACEK, the family holding. Currently, he is Co-Chairman of the family holding, Chairman of Gonvarri Steel Industries, Chairman of Gestamp Renewables and member of the Board of Directors of Gestamp, CIE Automotive and other companies of the Group. Jon Riberas is member of the Board of Trustees of Juan XXIII Foundation, NGO for the improvement of the quality of life of adults with intellectual disabilities and encouragement of their social integration.