Susan Molinari
Susan Molinari

Susan Molinari has a wide-ranging background resulting from her multi-disciplined service in the Leadership of the United States Congress, as Google’s Vice President of Government Affairs & Public Policy for the Americas, as leader of multiple offices for international public affairs and lobbying giant Omnicom.
Having been elected from a New York City-based district five times to Congress, Susan was quickly elevated by House Republicans who twice elected her as one of just eight Members to serve in the Leadership of the first GOP Majority in 40 years. In Congress, she developed a strong record of bipartisanship and effectiveness on issues ranging from transportation and the budget, to child abuse and human rights.
As Google’s Vice President for the United States, Mexico, Latin America and Canada, she managed teams that monitored and interacted with both Democratic and Republican U.S. Administrations, federal departments and agencies, on both sides of the political aisle and both sides of the U.S. Capitol, as well as numerous state and foreign capitals.
Susan is presently a member of New York City-based Protiviti Consulting’s Advisory Board, DC-based APCO Worldwide’s International Advisory Board, serves as Chair of the American Italian Food Coalition and as a Senior Advisor to the Chairman and to the Board of Viridi Parente, an innovative battery technology company that can be safely installed in any location and any environment. She is also on the nonprofit Vote.Run.Lead’s Advisory Board, a member of the boards of Harvard University’s Institute of Politics at the Kennedy School, the Trilateral Commission, the American Action Foundation and the David Lynch Foundation.
In addition to her work with Omnicom and in the media as previously mentioned, Susan has also worked with corporate America as a member of the Board of Protective Life, on the Toyota North America Diversity Board, as chair of the corporate social responsibility Century Council, and at the global law firm Bracewell and Giuliani.
Susan is married to former Congressman Bill Paxon. They have two daughters; Susan and Katie and multiple rescue pets.