Martin Weiss
Martin Weiss

Martin Weiss has been the Chief Executive Officer of German Media and Technology group Hubert Burda Media in Munich since January 2022. After graduating Harvard’s Kennedy School and the London School of Economics, he began his career at McKinsey & Co. In 1996 he co-founded strategy consulting firm Solon (Today: AltmanSolon). As an advisor to leading TMT firms in Europe and the US, he built the firm’s private equity practice, also heading Solon’s London office from 2008. In 2013 became a member of the executive team at international telecommunications and tech company Milicom (NASDAQ:TIGO), where he was in charge of the expansion and transformation of the company’s activities in Latin America and Africa. His particular focus was on developing digital innovations in content and mobile payments. A 25 year veteran of the rapidly evolving digital eco-system, he joined Hubert Burda Media in 2015 to build the firm’s VC arm BurdaPrincipal Investments (BPI) with investment teams in Munich, London, Berlin and Singapore. BPI has built a global portfolio of fast-growing consumer internet companies (e.g. Etsy, Vinted, Carsome, Skillshare, Bloom&Wild) through a clear focus on technology innovation, consumer-centric products and diversity: Today, more than half of all investments are women-founder led. In 2017, Martin Weiss also took responsibility for the international activities at Burda, and in 2020 became Chairman of majority-owned New Work SE (XETRA:NWO).