Michel David-Weill
Michel David-Weill

Michel David-Weill was Chairman of Lazard LLC, worldwide, until 2006. He is former Managing Director and Président du Collège d’Associés-Gérants of Lazard Frères S.A.S., Paris and former Deputy Chairman of Lazard Brothers & Co., Limited, London. He is currently Chairman of the Supervisory Board of EURAZEO in Paris. Mr. David-Weill is recognized globally as one of the leading international investment bankers. His directorships include ITT Industries, Inc., the Dannon Company, Inc., and the New York Stock Exchange in the U.S., IFIL S.p.A. in Italy, Euralux in Luxembourg, and Groupe Danone and Publicis in France. In the United States, he is a Trustee of the Pierpont Morgan Library and The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and a Governor of New York Hospital. In France, he is a Membre de l’Institut (Académie des Beaux-Arts), Chairman of the Conseil Artistique des Musées Nationaux, a Director of The French American Foundation, and he holds the position of director or member in several other respected arts and civic institutions. Mr. David-Weill is a graduate of the Lycée Français de New York and the Institut des Sciences Politiques.