Peter Andronov
Peter Andronov

Peter Andronov is currently Chief Executive Officer of International Markets of KBC Group and Member of the Group Executive Committee in charge for business units Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia and Ireland and KBC Group Asset Management in Sofia. Previously and until 2022, he was Chief Executive Director of United Bulgarian Bank, after the legal merger of CIBANK and UBB in the beginning of 2018. He starts his career in CIBANK in July 2007. In March 2008 hе became CEO and since March 2011 he has been Country Manager of KBC group for Bulgaria. Since 2015 he is a Chairman of the MB of the Association of Banks in Bulgaria and its representative in the European Banking Association. Before his appointment in CIBANK, Peter Andronov took a number of positions in the private banking sector and in the Bulgarian National Bank. He served from 2002 to May 2007 as Chief Director of the Banking Supervision Department at BNB. From 2003 to May 2007 he was a member of the Management Board of the Reserve Guarantee Fund. Mr. Andronov has also been a member of the Investment Committee of BNB. During the period 2005–2007 he was an observer and member of the European Banking Committee (EBC) and the Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) at the European Commission. During the same period he was an observer and member of the Banking Supervision Committee (BSC) at the European Central Bank. Peter Andronov has a Master’s degree in Finance and Banking from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia (UNWE). Since 1995 he has lectured at the UNWE, at the Higher School of Insurance and Finance and at the New Bulgarian University /International Banking Institute – subjects taught – “Introduction to Finance”, “Banking Regulation”.