Rob Jetten
Rob Jetten

Rob Jetten is the Parliamentary Leader of D66 (Democrats 66) and Member of the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal) of The Netherlands. He focuses mainly on topics regarding education, climate change, equal rights for minorities and stronger European cooperation. Some of his achievements in parliament are two initiative laws: the first ever Climate Law forcing the Dutch government to comply with the Paris Agreement and a Constitutional reform to democratize the way mayors get elected. Rob studied Public Administration and Good Governance at the Radboud University Nijmegen. He subsequently began his career at the Dutch national rail network agency ProRail where he worked in several managing positions at various levels. His efforts as a manager at ProRail earned him the laudation ‘Dutch Young Leader in Sustainability’ in 2014. Before becoming Member of Parliament in 2017, Rob was the president of the Young Democrats, the largest progressive political youth organization in The Netherlands, and a member of the city council of Nijmegen. Currently, Rob is active as an ambassador for several nonprofit organizations.