Ruan Zongze
Zongze Ruan

Dr. Ruan Zongze is Executive Vice President and senior fellow at the China Institute of International Studies (CIIS). He is also a member of ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Experts & Eminent Persons. Minister Counselor at the Embassy of the PRC in the United States (2007-2011), and diplomat at the Embassy of the PRC in the UK (1996-2000). Ph.D. at China Foreign Affairs Univesity. Research areas include U.S. foreign policy, Chinese foreign policy, international security and development. Author of Chinese Solution (China Publishing Group Corp. Beijing, 2017), A Diplomat’s Inside View of America (Jiang Su People’s Publishing LTD, Nanjing, 2012), and The Rise of China and the Transition of East Asia Order: Shaping and Expanding the Shared Interests (Peking University Press, Beijing, 2007). Appearing frequently on China Central Television and other major media.