Tarisa Watanagase
Tarisa Watanagase

Tarisa Watanagase joined the Bank of Thailand in 1975 and became Governor in 2006 until 2010. Her 35-year career at the Bank encompassed responsibilities in all major central bank functions. She was instrumental in the resolution of the 1997 Thai crisis and the ensuing supervisory and financial sector reforms. She spearheaded the modernization of the Thai payment system, including the first settlement risk-free high-value fund transfers in Asia. Finally she pushed for the passage and adoption of the new BOT Act in 2008, guaranteeing central bank independence; and successfully steered the economy and banking sector through the global financial crisis in 2008. Currently, Dr. Watanagase speaks extensively on central banking and financial sector issues and sits on the boards of Siam Cement Group, Thailand; Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Japan; and Promontory, an IBM company, Washington D.C. U.S.A. Her major experiences with international organizations include working as an economist at the IMF, Washington D.C., and short-term consultant/advisor to the IMF, the World Bank Group and regional central banks.