Teh Kok Peng
Kok Peng Teh

Before his retirement, Dr Teh Kok Peng was President of GIC Special Investments from April 1999 to June 2011. Prior to this, he was concurrently Deputy Managing Director of Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and Deputy Managing Director of GIC. He began his career with the World Bank under the Young Professionals Program in Washington D.C. Dr Teh is Chairman of Azalea Asset Management Pte Ltd. He is a board member of Seviora, Aviva-Singlife, Hollysys and Fullerton Health Corporation. He is an Adviser/Advisory Board member of China International Capital Corporation, CM Capital Corporation , Jasper Ridge Partners and Campbell & Lutyens. Dr Teh obtained First Class Honours in Economics at La Trobe University, Melbourne, and a Doctorate in Economics at Nuffield College, Oxford University, England.