Toyoo Gyohten
Toyoo Gyohten

Toyoo Gyohten is Honorary Advisor of the Institute for International Monetary Affairs and MUFG Bank, Ltd. A graduate of the University of Tokyo, he joined the Ministry of Finance and studied at Princeton University as a Fulbright Scholar. At the Ministry, he has served overseas at the Japan Desk of the International Monetary Fund in Washington, D.C. (1964–66) and as Special Assistant to the President of Asian Development Bank in Manila (1966–69). His subsequent postings included Director-General of the International Finance Bureau (1984–86) and Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs (1986–89). He was Chairman of the Working Party III at OECD in Paris (1988–90). After retiring from the Ministry of Finance, he taught at the Harvard University Business School, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University and University of St. Gallen as visiting professor (1990–1991). In 1991 he joined the Bank of Tokyo (currently MUFG Bank, Ltd.) and was elected Chairman (1992–96). He served as Chairman of the Institute of International Finance in Washington, D.C. (1994–97). He served as Special Advisor to the Cabinet, as Special Envoy of the Prime Minister (2008–2010), and as a Special Advisor to the Minister of Finance (2009–2014). He served as President of the Institute for International Monetary Affairs (1995–2016).