Vladimir Dlouhy
Vladimir Dlouhy

Vladimir Dlouhy was elected President of the Czech Chamber of Commerce in 2014. He is currently International Advisor for Goldman Sachs, located in Prague and covering the region of Central and Eastern Europe.
He studied mathematical economics and econometrics at School of Economics and at Charles University in Prague, later MBA studies at Catholic University in Leuven (Belgium). Mr. Dlouhy started his professional career as University lecturer, in 1983 he moved to the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences as a researcher, later as Deputy Director of the Forecasting Institute.
In 1989 he was invited to join the first post-communist government and till 1992 served as Minister of Economy of Czechoslovakia and after the split of the country served as Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic till June 1997. He was simultaneously, member of the Parliament and vice-chairman of Civic Democratic Alliance, a party that was part the governing coalition.
In 1997, he announced his departure from politics and joined Goldman Sachs as an International Advisor for Central and Eastern Europe; between 1997 and 2010, in the similar capacity, he advised the ABB. Vladimir Dlouhy holds likewise the following positions: Chairman of the Advisory Board, Chayton Capital, London, UK. Non-executive director, KSK Power Ventur, Hyderabad, India. Chairman of the Advisory Board, Meridiam Infrastructure, Paris, France. Associate Professor of Macroeconomics and Economic Policy at Charles University in Prague. Member of the Scientific Board, Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, School of Economics, Prague. Member the Board of Overseers, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA. He is the author of numerous publications. Vladimir Dlouhy was elected European Deputy Chairman of the Trilateral Commission in 2010 and re-elected in 2012 to serve in the 2013-2015 Triennium.