Y Y Wong
Y Y Wong

Y Y Wong is founder Chairman of the Wywy Group. BusinessWeek recognised, as one of the largest Singapore’s non-real estate conglomerates and hailed Y Y as “Singapore’s mogul,” and “Asia-Singapore’s maverick marketer.”
Y Y addressed the Davos World Economic Forum, Japan Nikkei Symposiums, Annual World Bank/IMF Conferences, APEC Heads of State Meeting and the ST.Gallen Symposium. With former US Ambassador to Singapore they chaired Singapore’s largest listed investment holding company. Also Chairman of Yeo Hiap Seng, Singapore’s oldest and largest F&B conglomerate. Started career, as a founding member of a US Fortune 100, in Asia. An AMP alumnus of the Harvard Business School, senior member of Cambridge University, board member of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, “Think Tank.”Bestowed honorary professor at the University of Stirling, Scotland, conferred Doctor of the University. Elected Fellow of the International Academy Management. Trustee of the Singapore National Employer’s Federation.
Delivered NUS Business School Commencement Address when Singapore’s longest serving President, the late S R Nathan was Chancellor. A member of the US Singapore Consultative Committee and the Japan Singapore Consultative Committee chaired by then PM Goh Chok Tong and PM Hashimoto.